Online Groups
"When you want to open a locked door, you don't need a detailed analysis of the lock, you need a key that fits the lock."Steve de Shazer
Coaching/Psychotherapy groups
This is a group form of individual coaching (i.e. the topics to be discussed are brought by the individual, however, they are carried out with the participation of other participants of the coaching group meeting), the participants of the coaching are connected by a common field of activity, but not always by a common workplace. The aim of this form of coaching is the development of individuals using the group, so the work on the participants' topics uses, among other things, support from the group, ideas, reflections and experiences of other group members. The coach guides the group to work towards an agreed goal while ensuring the safety of each participant in the cocaching is attended to.
I am opening Coaching groups in January 2023:
Group Coaching will provide a unique opportunity to stop for a moment and share your questions with other professionals on other teams who have similar experiences and may be working with a different approach. Together we will create a safe space for the group supervision process to focus on dealing with difficult situations and learning through your own experience and the experience of other group members. New perspectives, mutual inspiration, discovering new paths, new answers and more questions await us.
The group will have 3 - 6 members and will be closed (it will not be possible to join during the year).
The group will meet 6 times during 2023 (i.e. once every 2 months), specific dates and times will be specified to registered participants. One meeting will last 3 hours.
Price for 6 group coaching/psychotherapy meetings: 600 euro/participant (i.e. 100 euro/meeting/participant). Payment can be made in one or two instalments.
I also accept payment by crypto (BTC, ETH, DAI, USDT, MATIC)
Applications should be sent continuously by email (, by phone or SMS to +420 777 856 223 or by using the form "Sign up for a group" on this page